
Studio History

Camp 3 Studios' founders Ronald Kury and Andrew Hopps became fast friends while pursuing an arts degree from 2004-2008. Though they recognized a need for an expertise to succeed in the game industry, both shared a desire to break the mold of 'specialists' - while Ronald was a skilled character and technical artist and Andrew excelled at world art and level design, both thought of themselves first and foremost as game developers, pursuing an understanding of all facets of game development.

Both entered the industry in 2008, their BFAs in Production Animation in hand. Although they landed at different game companies, an immense friendship between themselves and many other graduates of Digipen's BFA program kept them in frequent contact. While both remain loyal and happy at their respective companies, with a combined 18 years of industry experience between the two, they enjoyed pushing the bounds of their roles in game development.

Ideas for games had filled their sketch books but an ocean existed between two artists with minimal coding experience and finding and motivating the right engineer to commit a massive effort on a game with no promises. As fate would have it, in 2012, Unreal Engine released the keys to the kingdom for two artists with too many game ideas on the shelf to count. Unreal Engine 4's blueprint scripting system allowed them to quickly template, modify, script, and bring their ideas to life without coding through it's logical scripting networks.

To ensure a successful final product, they wanted to start with a simple and achievable game idea, limiting scope without sacrificing quality and fun. Afterall, the game would be made after hours, remaining focused on their passion and vigor at their full time careers in the game industry and balancing lives that saw two marriages and the birth of a child. As tends to happen, their desire to deliver something great rather than rush a game out the door turned into a slow process of polish, polish, polish - continuously seeking to make 'Quality of Life' improvements to the game but keep it fun and exhilirating. Finally, in early 2017, they committed to a release date for their long nurtured game. GoBlowfish, Camp 3 Studios first title, would be released.


go BlowFish

For Android and iOS

"Propel your Puffer Fish to Freedom in this quirky mobile platformer."

Project Videos

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Meet the Team

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Andrew Hopps

Co Founder

"You're gonna like the way you Blowfish. I guarantee it."

Ronald Kury

Co Founder

I'll wear 2 pairs of pants whenever I feel its appropriate. Ask Andrew, he can corroborate my story.